Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Writer's Block

Romans 8:26-27--New International Version (NIV)

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

Today's Question: Have I faced confusing situations where I did not know how or what to pray?

Answer: Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Most writers I've known and many I've read report a common condition. Writer's block, where even the threat of a pending deadline does not unlock the flow of words to the written page. I'm sure many people face "prayer's block" as well, but Romans tells us not to worry, that the God who has mined the depths of our hearts will share His mind and offer in sounds unintelligible and inaudible to anyone else the exact right prayer that fits securely in the center of God's will. The right prayer at the right time in the right way. Could we ask for anything more?

To me, it's always been intriguing that the opposite of writer's block is something called inspiration. Inspired. Breathed into. Mouth-to-mouth. In college English class it was called poetic inspiration and writers would describe it as if the words were being written by someone else, that poetry flowed as easily as breathing in and out. In some cases the writer would report that in addition to the words, even the very ideas had been inspired. As if they had lost control. I've experienced something close to this as a song-writer. On some songs I've struggled for years, never finding the right words for the music or vice-verse. Then on those few occasions, the song has come fast and furiously as being born on the wings of wind, words and song from somewhere else but channeled through my mind to the page. It's awesome. Truly. Fun. Freeing. To quote the old chief from Little Big Man, "My heart soars like a hawk!"

Occasionally, a prayer will come the same way, with a life of its own, and even though the words are floating across my mind, they seem inspired by Someone else. It's awesome. Fun. Freeing.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for those times. The rest of the time, I welcome your groans.

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